Try to think of the answer to thousands of questions on all kinds of topics -and beat opponents- in Fight List, a fun and unique trivia game.
Fight List has super simple gameplay: just start a new game and answer all the questions! Just keep typing your best answers until your time runs out, and it’s your opponent’s turn. But you don’t have to wait for your partner to finish to keep playing, you can start as many games as you want so you don’t have to wait for one person to respond.
Fight List has tons of different categories, with more than a thousand topic to choose from and put your knowledge to the test! Each question is written concisely and clearly, and you can type in all the answers you can think of. Each question has more than one right answer, and your mission is to get as many points as possible. So, the more correct answers you type, the higher your score will be! You can also check your progress and statistics, and watch them improve as you keep playing. Try the fun game Fight List, battle opponents, and see just how much you know about all kinds of topics!